We went camping at Green Canyon with Jake, Tracy, Erika, Kayla & Brooklyn last weekend and had a blast. We were a little worried that it would be freezing up there but it ended up pretty nice weather. When we first got there we went 4 wheeler riding and then hiking up some huge rocks with cracks in them that the kids had a blast crawling through. Then it was dutch oven time. Tracy made the famous dutch oven chicken and everyone dug in leaving no room for any kind of desert until a couple hours later when it was time for smores over the campfire.
After a cozy night in the camper, it was off to shoot some 22's. As we were making our way to shoot, we drove upon some moose off in the distance. At the time, I thought it was a good idea following Jake as we hiked up the hill to take a few snap shots of the beautiful creatures, but once I had lost my breath from being so out of shape, it was hard to hold the camera steady and the results were a few fuzzy brown spots in the lense - sorry, I couldn't hold my breath long enough to take some good pics. It was fun watching Rick take the beasts head on though. Then watching him get a little worried when he got too close for comfort and hauling you-know-what down the hill. Awe, good times... After scaring Rick and the moose off it was time for shooting. FUN! Rick and Jake were our gofers when all the cans had been blasted off the barrels. Rick was a little bummed when he saw someone had drank all the liquor from the bottle on the ground. I think he was expecting a little reward for walking down to set up cans. Too bad Ricky-Pooh.
After a while of shooting, the kids decided it was time we went swimming in the hot pools. This is when Jake and I decided to have a contest to see who could sit in the freezing pool the longest. He never mentioned the fact that him and Kody did the same thing a prior time and Jake sat in the pool for 15 minutes and then made Kody get out when his lips turned blue. There is no way I will ever sit in that pool that long. Not worth winning in my opinion. So I technically lost when Tracy insisted that we get out once seeing the goose bumps & chattering teeth set in. I was the first to step out so that officially made Jake the wiener. Oh well! It was fun watching him freeze his butt & more off.
Once we made our way out of the pools it was back to camp for dinner and packing up to leave... So sad. Our camping trip had come to an end. Rick had to work the next morning. Just as we were leaving Kody and his girlfriend showed up to eat dinner and chat for a few hours. Too bad for us though, it was time to head home. There is always a next time, right guys?