K, so I know I haven't been on here forever so I thought I better update. To make a long story short, we went from our house by the airport, to my aunt and uncle's (Ron & Toni's), and now to some apartments by Smith's on Woodruff. I would say we are "Movin On Up" don't ya think? Well, to tell the truth, we are waiting patiently to save up a little money to build our house in Shelley. I don't yet quite know when that will be (hopefully soon) but I do have to say that even though we are in apartments now, it sure beats the heck out of living in the neighborhood by the airport... I hated that house for so many reasons! So now that we got you up to speed on what has been going on in the Bates' house, I will try to update this more often. Hopefully with more great pics of family camping trips coming soon! Oh & boating...