Thursday, January 1, 2009

Santa's Reindeer

This is actually the first game we played that night. When we first started I had a hard time snapping pictures because I was laughing so hard. Just looking at the nylons on their heads was hilarious. I took some photos when they first put them on but Shelley & I deleted them on accident but we got enough photos of the rest of the game so it didn't matter.

One other little thing I should point out - while the boys were being decorated, they were laughing at each other, as if they themselves didn't look as ridiculous as the other. Well I guess after reading the blog they will know how cute they really were that night.


In the picture below - out of all the funny faces in the picture - I think Jake's the winner.

If you look closely you will see that Jake ended up a GIRL reindeer. Below - Brooky was a good little helper and topped his outfit off by adding some much needed bows.

Yes, that's my hubby on the left - grabbing a little tail, as usual.

1 comment:

AMBER said...

My dad and I looked at these pics and laughed for a good 20 minutes. The shot of Jake sitting to the left, where his face is scrunched up is HILARIOUS! HA HA!